Unhappy Girl, by The Doors

Dorothea Lange - Resettled farm child from Taos Junction to Bosque Farms project
Dorothea Lange – Resettled farm child from Taos Junction to Bosque Farms project, New Mexico. Photograph for the Farm Security Administration (December 1935) – from Wikimedia Commons

I have recently presented “You’re Lost Little Girl,” the second track of the album Strange Days by The Doors, and I said that this song probably refers to William Blake’s poem “A Little Girl Lost” in Songs of Experience (1794). Commenting the repeated line “You’re lost little girl” in the song’s lyrics, Genius says about Blake’s poem “A Little Girl Lost:” CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…


Ivan Bilibin - Illustration for Contes de l'isba
Ivan Bilibin – Illustration for Contes de l’isba: Ivan-Tsarevich and the Firebird (1931) – from Christie’s

In my last semi-annual editorial, I described the police persecution of our British website provider, culminating in his guilty plea. The administration of the websites was taken over by his son, who was forced to close them down in May, following a further police raid with a threat of confiscation of his servers, as well as a blackmail by British Telecom over his security clearance. The heart of the matter is explained in the latest Pigtails in Paint editorial: the latter website, as well as the blog of Graham Ovenden, had uncovered the misconduct of the UK police in the Ovenden frame-up trial and conviction. Corrupt cops must protect their careers by censoring the exposure of their treachery, leading them to further acts of abuse. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

It was deep April and the morn, by Michael Field

William-Adolphe Bouguereau - La pêche aux grenouilles
William-Adolphe Bouguereau – La pêche aux grenouilles (1882) – from The Athenaeum

From “The Third Book of Songs” of Underneath the Bough, I present today what I consider one of the most important poems by Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper. In it, they defiantly proclaim in front of the world, “pressing sore,” their beautiful forbidden passion: “My Love and I took hands and swore, / Against the world, to be / Poets and lovers evermore,” laughing, dreaming and singing to the symbols of death, “Indifferent to heaven and hell.” They seek the “fast-locked souls” faithful to poetry, “Who never from Apollo fled.CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Concerning Hilda Conkling

Hilda Conkling (1920)
Artist unknown – Hilda Conkling (1920) – from Poems By a Little Girl (via Cadbury Research Library)

As a little girl, Hilda Conkling recited poems to her mother, Grace Hazard Conkling, who wrote them down. She would then, apparently without telling Hilda, publish some of them in journals and periodials, in particular in Poetry: A Magazine of Verse. In the issue of September the 1st, 1919, there is an interesting correspondence about Hilda, then approaching her 9th birthday, her writing and her talent. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

A Little Girl Lost, by William Blake

František Kupka - The little girl with a ball
František Kupka – The little girl with a ball (1908)

The visionary poet and painter William Blake (b. 28 November 1757, d. 12 August 1827) went largely unrecognised during his lifetime, but he is now considered a seminal figure in the history of the poetry and visual arts of the Romantic Age. In the poem “A Little Girl Lost” published in Songs of Experience (1794), he envisages a future where children and adolescents will freely enjoy nudity and love, and the religious condemnation of these pleasures will cause indignation. He would have been dismayed to notice that 225 years after publishing that poem, things have not much progressed in the Anglo-Saxon world. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Minou Drouet, le génie écrasé de l’enfance

Roger Hauert - Minou Drouet
Roger Hauert – Minou Drouet – dans Poèmes (1956)

Enfant intelligente et extrêmement sensible, esprit libre et immensément créatif, Minou Drouet irritait de nombreux adultes. Plusieurs crièrent à l’imposture, affirmant qu’elle ne pouvait en aucun cas être l’auteur des poèmes et lettres publiés sous son nom. Certains la considéraient comme un monstre ou un animal de cirque. D’autres essayaient d’en faire une petite fille normale ou un poète comme les autres. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…